Be the Change You Wish To Sea

In honor of Plastic Free July, we thought what better way to close out the month then with suggesting some small ways to make a difference throughout the year.

Did you know that plastics in waterways not only harm animals and water ecosystem health, but they also break down into micro plastics that we consume ourselves? Here are some easy choices you can make in your day-to-day life to lessen your personal impact on climate change in and out of the salon.

Small steps, big difference.

  1. Start with simple swaps, remove magazines and keep hard cover publications for clients, like travel books, cookbooks, kids’ books.
  2. Use Digital to help you go green. Go Paper-Free with bookings and price lists.
  3. Look for ways to source supplies that are sustainable. Where possible avoid disposable materials.
  4. Look at the products you supply – not only shampoo, conditioner, and styling bottles (the new Aquage packaging is 100% recyclable!) but also environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  5. Invest in energy efficient lightbulbs. Use electricity only when needed – turn off all appliances when not in use. Consider installing motion sensor lighting in restrooms and break rooms.    
  6. Watch your water usage. Switch to cold water in your washing machine. Only use when you have a full load of laundry. Fix all leaky faucets, a slow drip can waste 150 – 300 gallons of water.

Aquage Salon

  1. Cut Out Plastics: Start with single use plastics and use recyclable paper cups or reusable cups. Single-use plastics may be convenient but they’re bad for the environment. Not only do they pollute our waterways and oceans, but they also require energy to produce.
  2. Introduce biodegradable linens (like single use biodegradable towels). Or switch to microfiber towels and use low energy on dry time.
  3. Control your climate. Tinted windows help block UV rays and keep your salon cooler. Install ceiling fans to help make sure your AC is not overworked.
  4. Recycle everything you can – paper, containers, electronics and hair. Put recyclable bins in obvious places to encourage clients. You can recycle all color boxes and developer bottles/lightener containers.

    1. Wash any plastic caps and highlighting caps.
    2. Shop vintage. Bonus, you’ll be saving money and the environment. Score!
    3. Take a reusable bag to store when shopping.
    4. Get creative and repurpose: Take off cap for a cute single stem vase to add a little bit of nature and beauty anywhere.

When recycling, always look for a number inside a triangle on the bottom of plastic containers. These indicate what kind of resin was used, and whether the container is recyclable in your state (you can check your city or state’s website to find which numbers are accepted).

This may seem like common sense, but don’t put non-recyclables in the recycling bins. Sewing needles, aerosol cans that aren’t empty, broken glass hazardous waste, and broken lightbulbs should all be avoided. 

All our plastic bottles and tubes are 100% recyclable. Our cans have always been recyclable!

Check to see if your local recycling center accepts our plastic packaging. If they do-clean out and dry your empty containers before putting in your recycling bins.

Remembering to incorporate some of these small changes throughout the year is a step toward less plastic pollution. Once you create these habits keep them in your life and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Together, we can help make a difference.

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